Happy Fishmas!
Happy Holidays from the Fishbowl!
Here at the Kelly’s Fishbowl we celebrate all the holidays—with food
Blood worms for everyone!
lights & a prompt with—because it’s the season—a surprise! (so keep reading to the end).
Right now, Norman and the elf fish are swimming rings around Diver Santa trying to get him to tell them what treats they’ll find hiding beneath their Fishmas Weed in the morning.
Of course they have been fintastic fish all year! How about you? (Don’t answer that…) Instead!
We have gifts for you! Five more Fishmas Jokes to get your fins fluttering.Here goes:
Q: What is Santa Jaws favorite time of day?
A: 12:25
Q: Why don’t clams and oysters give out Christmas presents?
A: Because they’re shellfish
Q: What kind of fish tops Norman’s Christmas tree?
A: A starfish
Q: What do Christmas and lobsters have in common?
A: Sandy Claws
Q: How many presents can Santa Jaws fit into his empty sack?
A: Only one…after that it’s not empty.
And now that 7-Minute Challenge (notice I didn’t say poetry…)
Happy Fishmas Ho-Ho-Ho!
Who doesn’t want a reason to give out with a big belly roll of a ho-ho-ho ? So for today’s challenge, because tis the season:
Write a finny joke. It can be a holiday joke, like the ones above, or not. But try to write a fish joke—sure it might stink but…Here’s the surprise:
The best fish joke posted here (in the comments) or on KellyBennettBooks wins a book of your choice.
1. Engage Your Silly Bone
2.Set the Time For 7-minutes
3. Have a fintastic time!
Hope those got you HO-HO-HOing!
We’ll be back next Wednesday with the 7-minute Poetry Challenge.
Happy Fishmas to you and yours.
Treat yourself to an extra helping of happy!
Happy Fishmas!
Happy Holidays from Kelly’s Fishbowl!
Here at the Kelly’s Fishbowl we celebrate all the holidays, with everyone—always with lights & food!
Bloodworms for everyone!
This morning Norman and Knot are swimming rings around Santa trying to get him to tell them what they’ll treats they’ll find hiding beneath their seaweed in the morning.
Of course they have been fintastic goldfish all year! How about you? (Don’t answer that…) Instead!
We have gifts for you! Five Goldfish Christmas Jokes to get your belly’s jiggling.