7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

Poetry Challenge #176-Hooray! Library Shelfie Day

Every fourth Wednesday in January, bookies, biblophiles, readers, library nerds, like us—OK us—celebrate Library Shelfie Day. They (we) take a picture of themselves (ourselves)—a selfie—in front of a shelf of books—making it a shelfie.

Pictures are taken at the library, bookstore, school, or home—anywhere there is a shelf of books—and posted to social media #LibraryShelfieDay #ShelfieDay #Shelfie. Check out this collection of NYPL Favorites & Shee for your shelf!

When it comes to celebrating, they stop a snapping shelfies but, that’s not how we click:

Poetry Challenge #176

Library Shelfie Day

In honor of Library Shelfie Day, this week’s prompt is to write a spine poem. Find books on your shelves and arrange them so that when you read the spines, each book creates a line in the poem. See if you can include at least 5 books.

Here’s Mine writing Shelfie

Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes

Spines Out! Start Writing

Don’t Think Too Much About it; Just do it!

My Shelfie—read it in the comments

My Shelfie—read it in the comments

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge more than 1742 days ago! We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you.

Click on Fishbowl link and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl): SUBSCRIBE TO THE FISHBOWL

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7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

Poetry Challenge #175-Say Cheese!

Today is National Cheese Lover’s Day—a perfect day to enjoy cheese all day long. Maybe some cream cheese on a bagel for breakfast, a nice slice of cheddar or swiss on your sandwich at lunch, and macaroni and cheese for dinner. MMMM!

But cheese is also one of the words most used by photographers trying to get their subjects to smile: “Say cheese,” they call before they click their camera.

Poetry Challenge #175

Say Cheeeeeese!

Jack & Bennett "Cheese n It" for #175 7-Minute Poetry Challenge. Click over The Fishbowl to try it yourself: https://www.kellybennett.com/fishbowlblog Could ...

For today’s prompt, find a photo with one or more people in it. If you are in the picture, do you remember what you were thinking at that moment?

What about the others in the picture? What about the photographer? Were they thinking of where they’d rather be? Did they have something to say to someone else in the picture?

What were they wishing, hoping, wanting at that moment?

Write a poem with real or imagine thoughts for the people in the picture. Include the people outside the picture—the photographer, onlookers, passersby, a person receiving the photo.

Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes

Start Writing

Don’t Think Too Much About it; Just do it!


Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge more than 1737 days ago! We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. (This is one of Cindy’s.) If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

Click on Fishbowl link and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl): SUBSCRIBE TO THE FISHBOWL

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7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

MLK Day Poetry Challenge

Adding a world wide poetry prompt to our usual weekly challenge. Celebrate MLK Day by writing your own "I Dream A World" Poem. Honor Martin by working toward living it true.

MLK Day Poetry Challenge

Honor MLK By Describing How You Dream A World

From NPR:

As we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. on Monday, Morning Edition asks for you to write a poem that starts with the words "I dream a world.”

Write a poem that, like Hughes did, begins with the line: "I dream a world" and describe the change you hope for.

Your poem can rhyme like Hughes' poem, but it doesn't have to. It just has to dream us out of tribulation.

Share your poem through the form below, then Alexander will take lines from some of your pieces and create a community crowdsourced poem. Alexander and Martin will read it on air, and NPR will publish it online, where contributors will be credited.

CLICK HERE for more, including How To Submit Your Poem

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7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

Poetry Challenge #174-Stick It To Me

Have you ever taking a bite of fruit only to come away with stick-on-label in your mouth? Tasty, right? Ugh! Fruit, electronics, elbows, signs…you name it, seems a sticker’s stuck to it—today especially—for annoying or not, today, Jan 13th has been designated National Sticker Day.

fruit label.jpg

Along with being the officially recognized day to scrape off labels stuck on shoes, picture frames, do-dads, thing-a-ma-bobs and what-zits, National Sticker Day activities include:  

  1. Get some new stickers

  2. Give some stickers away

  3. Make your own stickers

To that, in celebration of the day, we’re adding this 7-Minute Challenge:

Poetry Challenge #174

Stick It to Me

For this challenge we’re paraphrasing Judy Carnes, the original “Sock it to Me” girl . Rather than racing around chanting Sock-it-to-Me-Sock-it-to-Me-Sock-it-to-Me until something bad happens as she did on the 60s Variety Show Laugh-in, race around collecting sticker slogans to create a Found Poem. (Chanting “Sticker-Me“ while collecting is optional)

Historically speaking, stickers have been pasted on produce as far back as 300 bc. Now everything—apples still included—has some sort of sticker plastered on it, so finding stickers should be easy. You might have a slew of stickers in your own space or bumper. If not… Field Trip Time! Check out passing cars, trucks, electronics, pinterest—or your neighbor’s fridge.

Sticker Day timeline.JPG
Snuck a Snap of the Kid’s Neighbor’s Fridge—Yours to use if you can read it.

Snuck a Snap of the Kid’s Neighbor’s Fridge—Yours to use if you can read it.

To Create Found “Sticker” Poem:

First copy a variety of stickers onto a page. The stickers might have one word or a phrase.

Choose one sticker to be the title of your poem.

Now, arrange and rearrange the remaining sticker slogans into a Found Poem. For purposes of this prompt, try not to add extra words or letters to the poem, break phrases apart, or use only part of a slogan—even to help clarify meaning.

As you play with the words and phrases, pay attention to sounds, patterns, rhythm or meaning.

Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes

Start Writing

Don’t Think Too Much About it; Just stick to it until the timer dings!

And for more fun: How to Make Stickers” at Skip to My Lou—a great DIY with Kids site!

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge more than 1730 days ago! We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

Click on Fishbowl link and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl): SUBSCRIBE TO THE FISHBOWL

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7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

Poetry Challenge #173-Cha-cha Chain of _____________

Cuddles are chains of sort. We link arm in arm, snuggle to snuggle, heart to heart when we cuddle. Which brings me to today, Jan 6, National Cuddle Up Day. The same way we cuddle up, thoughts jump, mingle and connect—cuddle— one to another to another.

The Boys 8-2020.jpg

In the same way letters cuddle up—cluster—to form words, and words linked together to form passages and worlds and images that bundle, group, cuddle up to create stories and poetry. Let’s try it:

Poetry Challenge #173

Cha-cha Chain of ______________________?

Fill in the blank with a noun: Chain of ____________.

With that at the title, write a Chain Poem. Chain poems have two known forms:

1. The last word or syllable of a line become the first word or syllable of the next line. You’ll need to extend the poem out at least five lines for the chain to be effective.

2. Or if you’re game for writing a long poem, the last line of each stanza becomes the first line of the next stanza.

Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes

Start Writing

Don’t Think Too Much About it; just do the Cuddle up!

Cha-Cha Chain Playlist:

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge about 1700 days ago! (with nary a miss!!!) We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

Click on Fishbowl link and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl): SUBSCRIBE TO THE FISHBOWL

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7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

Poetry Challenge #172-Revisionist Poetry

eye chart.jpg

20/20 hmmmmm. Along with everything else, 2020 has forced us to revise: revise our thinking, our habits, our actions past and to rethink—revision—going forward.

It’s not as simple as upgrading our eyewear prescription, is it? But necessary.

As we zoom into 2021, Let’s take time to revise!

Poetry Challenge #172

Revisionist Poetry

Choose a poem you like and see if you can really make it sing!

Look for repeated sounds in your poem—maybe several words contain an “O” sound or a bunch start with the letter “B”. . . a hint of a pattern, rhythm or beats.


Now’s that you’ve found them, play with those accidental patterns by changing some of your words so they have the same sound; some lines breaks to intensify the rhythm, etc. Try adding some onomatopoetic words—words that sound like actions: AHCHOO! CRINKLE! MUMBLE! SNAP!

Now read and compare both versions. Hear the difference?

Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes

Start Writing

Don’t Think Too Much About it; just do it!

Revisionist Playlist:

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge about 1700 days ago! (without a miss!!!) We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you (This one is Cindy’s.) If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

Click on Fishbowl link and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl): SUBSCRIBE TO THE FISHBOWL

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7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

Poetry Challenge #171-Festivus for the Rest-of-Us

Festivus 2.jpg

Festivus is a completely made up non-holiday created by screenwriter Dan O’Keefe and popularized when his son Daniel included it in the TV series Seinfeld. Traditionally, Festivus can be celebrated any time from December to May. But because the first Festivus on Seinfeld, which aired in 1997, was celebrated on December 23, now it’s officially a Thing!  Festivus rituals include:

festivus 3.jpg

The Holiday Pole (an unadorned aluminum pole);

The Dinner (traditionally meatloaf and spaghetti);

Airing Of Grievances;

Feats Of Strength (wrestling) & Miracles.

Heck if they can do it, we can too!

Poetry Challenge #171

Festivus for the Rest-of-Us!

Imagine a Festivus of your own. What would you call it? How would you celebrate it? Would food be included? Decorations? Instead of Airing of Grievances and Feats of Strength, what rituals would you include?

Write a Poem about your Festivus for the Rest-Of-Us. In the same way the U-S “us” ending of Festivus makes it easy to rhyme, give your Festivus a name with an easy-to-rhyme with ending, too. Once you’re finished set a date to celebrate (if only in your imagination.) Who knows, you might start a new tradition!


Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes

Start Writing

Don’t Think Too Much About it; just do it!

Festivus Playlist:

About Festivus:

The Story of Festivus:

Happy Festivus Seinfeld:

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge about 1700 days ago! (without a miss!!!) We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

Click on Fishbowl link and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl): SUBSCRIBE TO THE FISHBOWL

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7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

Poetry Challenge #170-Backwards Day

Barbie and Barney.jpg

Today, Dec. 16th is actually, officially Barbie and Barney Backlash Day, a day created by Thomas and Ruth Roy at Wellcat.com to “allows parents to take a vacation from all the repetitive sing-a-longs and storytelling.” Which, if you ask us is the most backasward idea ever. Repetition, songs, storytelling—yes, even cartoons—irritating as they may be, those sing-song verses help children become literate. So, in recognition of this incredibly backward idea, we’re retaliating by retaking the day:

Poetry Challenge #170

Backwards Day

It’s BACKWARDS day!!! (Or if you prefer !YAD SDRAWKCAB) Wear your shirt backwards, walk toe-heel, write notes and try to read them in the mirror.

And write a BACKWARDS poem!

Choose a poem you’ve already written and write it backwards. That means write the last line as your first line, the next to last as your second, and so on. Read through it and adjust it so it makes sense. You can add or take away a word if necessary. Does your BACKWARDS poem have the same meaning as the original?


Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes

Start Writing

Don’t Think Too Much About it; IT DO JUST!

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge about 0071 days ago! (That’s 1700 backwards—without a miss!!!) We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you (This one is Cindy’s.) If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

Click on Fishbowl link and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl): SUBSCRIBE TO THE FISHBOWL

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