Poetry Challenge #91: Words! Words! Words!
Words! Words! Words!
I’m so sick of words!
I hear words all day through/first from him, now from you/is that all you blighters can do?*
YES, Eliza! The answer is unequivocally, unapologetically, YES!—so on to the Challenge:
Poetry Challenge #91
A Few of My Favorite Words
Do you have favorite words? If you do, pause right now and jot them down.
I love to collect words I hear or read that are unfamiliar or that have an interesting sound. I try to remember to write them down to use another day. As you go through your day, pay attention to words that you like the sound or meaning of. Write them down! Save them!
A few I like are: Lilliputian, grommet, butterfly, whimsical, and gumption.
Think of five of your favorite words and write a poem using them.
If you can’t think of words, open to a random page in the dictionary and find a word you like.
You can use some of my favorite words if you like.
Keep collecting words to use another day!
Set the timer for 7 minutes.
Start writing!
Don’t think about it too much; just do it.
* Eliza sang those words to Freddy in Lerner & Lowe’s My Fair Lady. The song is Show me, Now!
Here’s another ditty for inspiration: Three Little Words by Kalmar & Ruby
And one more because I just can’t help myself: My Favorite Things from The Sound of Music by Rodgers & Hammerstein
*Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge 1200-ish days ago. We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. (This one is Cindy’s; the “I” is her speaking. If you join us in the 7-Minute Poetry Challenge let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.
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Three Little Words
If only I could make his mouth move and make what I wanted to say come out. But, what would He/I say?
We—I—joke how my husband, Curtis, has a set allotment of spoken words at his disposal each month, so he doles them out sparingly. It’s how I explain his silences. Everyone laughs when I say it. But, now, the laugh seems to be on me…
I’ve recently come to the long-delayed realization that, like Curtis, I must have a set allotment of words at my disposal, too. But…while Curtis’s is a monthly quota, mine is a DAILY quota. And, while, to my knowledge, his quota is only on spoken words, mine is on written words.
My writer friend Marty, gave a talk, recently, about Chaos. She noted how, in picture books, chaos is triggered by someone or something breaking a rule. For me, rather than chaos ensuing it’s blah-blah blah blah blah blah bluckkkkkk
Unlike Curtis, it’s not my words—written or otherwise—that run out. It’s my ability to use them creatively. I have this newly adopted Bullet Journal to thank for the realization.
My last Fishbowl post, “Shot Myself in the Foot with a Bullet Journal, chronicled prats and pitfalls I encountered while undertaking to begin Bullet Journaling. Now a one-month veteran of the process, I have come up with a system that works for me. And some Don’ts (Or Donuts if you prefer):
- Donut #1 Do not Spend Too Much Time on It
- Donut #2 Do Not Try to Make it Look Pretty or Neat
- Donut #3 (with sprinkles): Do Not Write too Much
The realization that I was wasting precious words by writing too much of the wrong things too early in the day came about expressly because of this bullet journal.
Don't get me wrong. Bullet Journaling is fab-u-lous! This past month’s Bullet Journaling has done exactly what it is intended to do. It has:
- Helped me prioritize tasks and keep track of to-dos
- Provided a space to keep all those lists & notes (i.e. movies to see, books to read, things to fix, notes to write, passwords that I think I will only need once, misc.)
And, maybe most importantly of all, made me keenly aware of why I wasn’t writing what I wanted to write: CREATIVELY!
BTW: My sole purpose in writing this post on The Fishbowl now is as a caution to you, Dear Cherished Reader.
On Leap Day, as per the official Bullet Journal instructions, I reviewed my February monthly and daily task lists. What I realized was that each daily list had 3 or more tasks that required writing—and I was doing them before I got around to what I wanted, really, truly, wanted to be doing: creative writing.
Since all those other Bullet-Journal aficionados share theirs, here's mine.
These included:
- · Bullet-Journal updates of yearly, monthly, daily task-lists
- · Free writing (to clear the cobwebs)
- · E-mail check and response
- · Word-play exercises
- · Facebook post on my author page
- · Calendar update on my website
This past week, in response to an interview invitation from writer/musician/blogger David Alan Binder, I have been answering questions.(He sent a list of about 40.) Yesterday I stopped at this one, “What do you do when you are not writing?” (Clearly intending that in this context "writing" referred to "written-in-hopes-of-publication writing)
Yes, Curtis and I (with help from friends) glued all those beads, feathers and bling onto our Trini Devil & Angel costumes.
Part of me--the uncensored part, wanted to respond: “Glue beads and feathers onto costumes & parade through Port of Spain limin’ and whinin’.
Or turn on my Jack Nicholson’s Col. Nathan R. Jessup
“You want the truth? . . . “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH.”
Because truly, what kind of "professional writer" would David and his readers think I was if, in response to his next question: “What are you currently writing?” I sent the above list?
Having written the above—and hyper-aware that I have used 628 of my precious daily quota (not counting deletions and revisions) to do so . . .
Also keenly aware that because, in this post I discuss my mis-use of creative energy I prefer saving for "writing," some of you have already Fooled Yourselves into thinking this post doesn't apply to you. Yoo-hoo: Creative energy is "energy for creating, being creative, making, doing _Fill-in-the-blank_
. . . I just want to say:
If you decide to create a Bullet Journal (or any variation on a task list). . .
And If you prioritize the items on said list. . . .
Do not do as I did and prioritize them in terms of “importance” to others, or with an eye to crossing-off-as-many-items-as-possible-because-it-feels-good. Prioritize them in terms of “important” to you!
Select for Creativity. Use your creative energy to create—don’t waste it on trivial/menial tasks
Select for Joy. Be sure to put tasks that bring you joy at the top of the list
(Note to readers: As of March 1, Bullet Journal Task Lists will be made the night before, email and responses, posting on Facebook, etc. will be written in my down time. If this results in a lack of liveliness in above-mentioned writing, I apologize in advance.)
Word Counts Playlist:
- Three Little Words Utube featuring Fred Astaire and Vera Ellen:
- Sound of Silence by Simon & Garfunkle
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