7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

7-Minute Poetry Challenge #20-We are the Balloon

Intake! Outtake!

Writing…even poetry… is like taking a ride in a hot air balloon—soaring up! uP! UP!

If we think of the product— the words, the thoughts, the story—as the basket, then we, the creator are the. . .


Make it stand out

Which means, due to changes in elevation, exertion, weather…

or maybe a tear or leaky value, we all need a refill.

An infusion of fresh air. That’s why today is . . .

Memorize a Poem Day!

Reading poems helps you feel the rhythm and rhyme (if there is one) and forces you to look at each word more closely. Reading poetry fills you with fresh ideas, fresh ways of writing, of thinking about creating.

When you memorize a poem, you internalize it—really take it inside—like you are sucking in deep, refreshing gulps of fresh air!

Once you’ve memorized a poem, it’s stored in a tiny secret pocket of your brain. You can pull it out whenever you want, recite it to get through a tough time, put someone—maybe yourself—to sleep, inspire, remind…Amazing the uses!

Poetry Challenge #20

We Are the Balloon

Today, instead of writing a new poem, read some favorites and pick a verse or two or the whole thing to memorize.

Say it aloud!

Say it in your head!

Say it while walking or doing chores or waiting in line.

Some of favorite poems—and ones Cindy knows some or all of—include C.S. Lewis’s “The Walrus and the Carpenter”, lots of Robert Frost (“Fire and Ice”, “The Road Not Taken”, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”), Tennyson’s “The Lady of Shallot”, Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.”

Set the timer for 7 minutes.

Start writing!

Don’t think about it too much; just do it.

*Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge at least 2800 days ago. We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. If you join us in the 7-Minute Poetry Challenge let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole dang poem. Scroll down and click on the comments!


Want the 7-Minute Poetry Challenge sent to your email?  Click on Fishbowl link and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl):

All who subscribe, comment or share a poem will be entered in . . .

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7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

7-Minute Poetry Challenge #18-Moody Blues

In the mood? Not in the mood?

What gets you in the mood?

It’s sort of a Catch 22 question isn’t it?

Frankly, deciding what will get me in the mood depends on what I want to be gotten into the mood for?

That’s true for most of us, right? You know what else is true…

Our moods can be changed, affected, swayed, moved by tone.

I call this image “Moody Blues.” Get it?

Poetry Challenge #18

Moody Blues  

Pick two vowel sounds. Make a list of words that use each sound.

Write two verses of a poem—use one vowel sound in one verse and the other in the second. Try to use that chosen vowel sound it in as many words as you can in the verse.

What mood does each sound create for your poem?

Do you want your end words for each line to rhyme or not?

Set the timer for 7 minutes.

Start writing!

Don’t think about it too much; just do it.


*Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge at least 2800 days ago. We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. If you join us in the 7-Minute Poetry Challenge let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole dang poem. Scroll down and click on the comments!

Want the 7-Minute Poetry Challenge sent to your email?  Click on Fishbowl link and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl):

All who subscribe, comment or share a poem will be entered in . . .

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7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

7-Minute Poetry Challenge #16-You Call This Cold!

Thanks for saying YES! to this Challenge! (or at least to looking at it…) In case you have qualms about the value of SSSSSTTTREEEEEETCH read what gazillion-times published author Jane Yolen writes about her ongoing poetry challenge. (BTW: Did you know you could read a different one of Jane's books every day for a YEAR!) 

I started writing a poem a day seven years ago as a personal challenge.  I didn’t expect to be happy with any poem on the first draft. But I did it for three reasons: 1. Finger exercises 2. Brain exercise 3. Sales: This was an unforeseen plus. I’ve gotten at least a half dozen picture books out of those poems and sold a hundred or more to journals and anthologies, and used them in books of my own. My writing had taken a huge step forward. I have no plans to stop.
— Jane Yolen in the SCBWI Insights (Jan. 4, 2018).

Poetry Challenge #16

If You Think This is Cold… 

Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! If you, like me, are feeling a bit chilly today, when after a few glorious bright spring days, it’s back to gray. It’s time for a refresher.

If you’re not:

  1. Go to the refrigerator

  2. Stick your head inside the freezer compartment.

  3. Now you’re ready!

Write a poem about the cold.

Begin with the line:

“You know it’s cold when…”

Think of all the things that make you know it’s cold. Hope you’re wrapped up in a blanket!! 

Set the timer for 7 minutes.

Start writing!

Don’t think about it too much; just do it.

*Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge at least 2800 days ago. We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. If you join us in the 7-Minute Poetry Challenge let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole dang poem. Scroll down and click on the comments!


Can You Say COLD? Playlist:

Baby It's Cold Outside: Idina Menzel & Michael Buble's Sweet Video



Want the 7-Minute Poetry Challenge sent to your email?  Click on Fishbowl link and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl):

All who subscribe, comment or share a poem will be entered in . . .

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7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett 7-Minute Poetry Challenge Kelly Bennett

Poetry Challenge #148-Give Something Away.

Today, July 15th, is National Give Something Away Day. What will you give away? Clothes or toys or books that you’ve outgrown? Cookies or a hat that you made?

When it comes to words, the best writers seem to agree:

“The details are the life of it, I insist, say everything on your mind, don’t hold back, don’t analyze or anything as you go along, say it out.” -Jack Kerouac

Don't hold back-Annie Dillard.jpg

You could give away some time—either volunteer for something or spend some time with someone.

You could give away a compliment or a smile.

So many choices for Give Something Away Day!

Poetry Challenge #148

Give It Away!

Think of what you might give away and write a poem about it. What is it? Where will it find a new home? What will it mean for that person? How will the receiver feel about it? How will the given away object feel about being given away? Will you miss it?

Write your poem in couplets—two lines that rhyme.

Set your timer for 7 minutes

Start writing!

Don’t think about it too much; just do it!

Don’t forget to give something away today—Maybe this poem!

give books-Jane Yolen.jpg

Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge MORE THAN 1525 days ago! (without a miss!!!) We now take turns creating our own prompts to share with you. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.

Click on Fishbowl link below and sign up to receive email notifications from Kelly's blog (aka The Fishbowl):


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