Poetry Challenge #236-That Was a Close One...
It’s said, truth is scarier than fiction. That’s what today is all about. National Near Miss Day (March 23) commemorates our near annihilation ala Leo and Jennifer’s comedy-disaster Don’t Look Up.
What happened on March 23, 1989 was definitely nothing to laugh about. A massive mountain-sized asteroid, named 4581 Asclepius, came within 500,000 miles of colliding with the earth. In space distance super close! And unlike in the movies there was not one thing we could do have done about it because scientists didn’t see it coming until 9 days after its closest approach to Earth.
“On the cosmic scale of things, that was a close call.”
“Geophysicists estimate that a collision with Asclepius would release energy comparable to the explosion of a 600-megaton atomic bomb.” A collision would have had catastrophic effects on our planet. Scientists discovered the asteroid on March 31, 1989 – nine days after its closest approach to Earth.
Poetry Challenge #236
Happy Near-Miss Day
Have you ever had a near-miss? Not, perhaps, of asteroid proportions, but close enough. Or an almost but… One of those time when afterwards you shake your head thinking, “Dang . . .” Or, if you’d rather look on the bright side, can you recall a time when you thought you didn’t have a snowballs chance in the sunshine of getting something, or getting to do something, or winning—and you did?
Write a poem about that experience, good or bad. And, in the spirit of 4581 Ascelpius, add some hyperbole to make it even bigger-badder-better CinemaScopic even!
Set Your Timer for 7 Minutes
Start Writing!
Don’t Think About it, just do it!
Could we survive being struck by an asteroid? In 1954 Ann Hodges did. View a photo and her account in National Geographic.
Cindy Faughnan and I began this 7-Minute Poetry Challenge 2000+ days ago. Now we take turns creating prompts to share with you. Our hope is that creatives—children & adults—will use our prompts as springboards to word play time. If you join us in the Challenge, let us know by posting the title, a note, or if you want, the whole poem in the comments.
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