Life in the Time of CoVid-Day 4 Lockdown
South Africa: 1,280 confirmed positive for CoVid; 2 deaths; 31 recovered.
So, so so impressed with the US Embassy in South Africa! Twice daily they send reassuring email updates telling us they are working on repatriating. I sent a private email in return asking if we might be able to obtain either a letter from the Embassy or permission from the police to return to Port Alfred.
The fired-back response was polite by firm:
“Thank you for your message. We urge you to abide by the South African government's travel restrictions and remain where you are, which is much closer to Cape Town International Airport.”—American Citizen Services, U.S. Mission to South Africa
USA: CoVid-19 number has doubled in 3 days; at least 136,880 infected; 2,414 have died—965 of those in New York. A 1000-bed Navy ship, ‘The Comfort’ will serve as a hospital for NY’s non-CoVid-19 patients.
Italy: 97,689 cases (3906 severe); 10, 779 dead; 13,030 recovered.
China: Who knows? Officials aren’t reporting asymptomatic positive results.
Circuit Training includes Laundry Limbo
Meanwhile back home, the Westhampton Neighborhood Facebook group has blown up with reports of the hoards swarming in from NYC—spreading virus and panic…
Meanwhile, I’ve created a circuit trail in the sunny, green breezy backyard which includes neck stretches beneath the clotheslines—especially challenging on laundry day.
Meanwhile creatives are cranking out new CoVid-19 diddies. Today’s hit: “We’re All Home Bound” by Claire & Mel
Meanwhile, Curtis & I, down to 2 cans of tuna and a grapefruit walked to the mall for a few days of supplies. Mall security & store staff managed the queues (with help of meter-spaced X and bottles of sanitizer at the ready.)
Who decided hair & leg containment, plucking or decorating was non-essential?
Inside and outside shoppers spoke only when needed in tight-lipped whispers and turned backs to each other. As only “essential goods” are allowed to be sold, the drugstore, CLICKS, had barricaded the hair decoration/hosiery/sundries aisle.
Do not even glance at those clothes…
Woolworth, likewise, has cordoned off a path through all the enticing clothing, home-goods, etc. etc. to the grocery section. No sneak shopping allowed in the time of CoVid.
I may not like, but I totally get why the government decided to ban liquor sales during Lockdown, but I do wonder about its decision to ban cigarette sales. Locked down, shut in with kids, wife, no money, no work…and no smokes??? Even to my non-smoker sensibilities seems foolish.