99 Days and Celebrating!
Get ready for a Fishbowl Trifecta! First, an apology, then a confession, followed by a huge celebration!
I have been sorely neglecting my faithful Fishbowl followers, and for that I am truly sorry. There are countless, endless, reading opportunities, including blogs galore, and I so appreciate you--all 3 or 7 of you--for wanting to read mine. I have heaps of reasons why I haven't been posting (and each time I don't guilt ridden me finds a few more). The simple truth is this Gardening Leave has thrown me for a loop. And rather than taking time out to blog about it, I've wallowed in it.
I must confess, it's been super fun, just being, living, doing, with minimal obligation. And a big part of me considered hanging a "Gone Fishin'" sign and calling it quits. But the truth is...Confession Time...I like blogging.
People ask sometimes, "Why I write?" as in "Why do I think anyone should want to read what I write? What's so good about it?" Usually, that question is tossed at me during horribly uncomfortable moments: During a lull in dinner party conversations, after I've just received yet another rejection, when a big-time famous, award-winner author is standing nearby. I usually mutter something stupid. But now, thanks to this hiatus, I have the answer: I write to process events: I share my writing because I believe you and your, or you, might be experiencing the same things--if not in the same way. Or, you might need a diversion. I missed this time with you.
And if that's not enough to celebrate, dig this: The day, June 22, 2016, marks the 99th consecutive day in a 365 day Poetry Challenge!
Along with my writer bud, Cindy Faughnan, I am working through the Aspiring Poet's Journal, by Bernard Friot, illus. by Herve' Tullet. It's a fat book of guided assignments designed so "aspiring poets can spend a year developing their voice and practicing seeming the world through a poet's eye." While I am not a poet, not do I aspire to be a poet, I do want my writing to have a lyrical quality. Besides, what else did I have to do these past 99 days???!!
What have I learned during these 99 consecutive days:
- Buddy System Works: Alone, It's easy to cheat
- Consequences: If I don't post, I have to pay.
- No matter how busy I am, where I am, how lousy the Internet, If I really want to, I can do it!
Only 264 more prompt to go!
99 Days Playlist:
- Something Stupid, sung by Frank and Nancy Sinatra
- Let's Here it for the Girls sung by Marymount Middle School Faculty
- Take the Long Way Home by Supertramp
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Unpacking & Organizing
Sorting of all Sorts