Honor the Super Moon


Today, dawn to dawn, the moon will be closer to the earth than it has been since Jan 26, 1948 and will be again until 2034.

In honor of the Super Moon, I've put together a playlist to put you in the mood to moongaze.

If you're inspired to try to capture the moon take a tip from NASA Photographer, Bill Ingalls:

1. Include landmarks in the picture

Make sure you put something in the same frame as the moon, perhaps a building or some other land-based object. Without any other object for reference, Ingalls said, the shot won’t stand out among the pack.

”It can be a local landmark, or anything to give your photo a sense of place,” he said. This will likely mean you’ll be shooting the moon while it’s closer to the horizon. This also works in your favor because the moon appears larger at the horizon; the reason for that phenomenon is a matter of debate
— "How to Photograph the Super Moon" NASA Blog

Science Blurb: If you are wanting to do more than just gaze at the moon, click over to NASA's blog for the scoop on the Supermoon Phenom from Dr. James Garvin.


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