Wind Wishes for Earth Day
It's Earth Day! Let's Celebrate with Wind Wishes!
When our friend, Joy, moved away, the gals in our creativity group, wrote hopes for her and tied them to a tree to wish her well.
How To Make Wind Wishes:
Cut the paper into strips at least 1 inch wide and between 6 and 24 inches long. Vary the length and width of the paper strips. Try not to cut the strips too narrow or they will tear.
Write one wish for the earth on each strip of paper. These wishes might be hopes you have for our earth’s future or for the earth’s creatures.
Punch a whole in one end of each paper strip.
Lace string or yarn through the whole in the paper strip and tie a knot.
Tie the wishes to the branches of a tree, or onto a fence and watch them flutter in the wind.
Wind Wishes on a School Fence blowing in the breeze
Strips of paper (used bags, construction, wrapping)
String or yarn
Something to write with (pens, crayons, water-based markers or paint)
*Please don’t use plastic, foil, beads, glitter, or other materials that will not decompose and might be harmful to animals and birds.”
These Earth Day wind wishes will fade, and the paper will decompose. Birds and squirrels will use the bits of string and paper to build nests.
Prayer flags in Kathmandu,
By our deeds throughout the coming year, let's strive to make these wishes come true!
Thanks for reading!
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