Vampire Baby Halloween Reveal
So I lied...
But this is the truth: There are 3 brand spanking new--autographed--copies of VAMPIRE BABY waiting to be won and as of this posting only 30 people entered the I VANT MY VAMPIRE BABY contest. Here are the Contest Details
Translation: Chances of winning are super good. . .
It's Halloween. Go for it. Take a Chance. You could win a treat!
But first . . .
Groceries Anyone?
We like Halloween!
We dress up. We Trick or Treat. We like it so much that one year, we had Halloween in July.
The Fondren's of Oz
My BFF Valerie and I in High School. Thinking back, our costumes reflect our personalities, even back then. Valerie always was the nice one . . .
We were trick-or-treating along in our huge dice boxes when a couple of pranksters pushed us over and sent us flailing ala Scout in her ham costume.
Believe you, me, if I'd been fast enough, I would have happily sunk my teeth into those no-good-nicks...
Lexi & Ryan Score!
My grandson Bennett is holding with tradition. Here's Vampire Baby!