World Read Aloud Day

Today, March 7th is World Read Aloud Day!

World Read Aloud Day is about taking action to show the world that the right to read and write belongs to all people. World Read Aloud Day motivates children, teens, and adults worldwide to celebrate the power of words, especially those words that are shared from one person to another, and creates a community of readers advocating for every child’s right to a safe education and access to books and technology.

Lit World is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the written word! (According to LitWorld's website, there are 793 million illiterate people in the world. ) Find out more about LitWorld, register to be part of the worldwide read aloud, donate, get involved--and most importantly READ and spread the written word!

What better way to celebrate World Read Aloud Day than by Buddy Reading...and, it just so happens some wonderful reader posted  a read-aloud of NOT NORMAN, A GOLDFISH STORY on U-Tube. So, get cozy, grab a buddy and READ!

NOT NORMAN, A GOLDFISH STORY, Buddy Read-Aloud: If the hyperlink doesn't click, cut and paste this link:

And here's a little ditty to celebrate the day (Get ready to channel Karen Carpenter's version of Sing!):

Read/Read a Book/Read out loud/Read out looooong/

Don't worry that you're not good enough for anyone else to hear/

Just read/Read a Book!


Marilyn Rang the Bell! and NED is My New Favorite Name


Sampai Jumpa, Nanti, Jakarta