My Books in Cambodia!

Knowing my stories are being read and enjoyed is the highlight of my job. So, you can imagine my delight when Kelli Lambe sent me this photo. Kelli, her husband, Steve, and their 3  boys spent spring break in Cambodia, where they helped create and stock the library in a school outside of Seim Reap.

No, the books haven't been translated into Cambodia. The children sound out the stories while learning English.  What's especially cool is that often parents and other adults,  who are also learning English, sit  alongside the kids--laughing and learning with them. (I'll have to ask if Kelli taught them to two-step and how to say "y'all"  after reading Dance, Ya'll, Dance.)

Kelli wrote: "Cambodia was a wonderfully meaningful trip.  So much so that we are now going to Papua with Lex and Linda [Operators of Remote Destinations Tour Company] to help build a library there. Keegan is doing it for his IB community and service project."

You can be sure my books will be along on that trip, too. Spreading the joy of reading a few books at a time!

If you'd like to donate books or send a contribution for the Lambe's next  library project, send me a note and we'll make it happen.


Wednesday, Work Day?


Is PRODUCTIVITY all it’s cracked up to be?