Life in the Time of CoVid-Day 42 Lockdown: Hello Sunshine!

Thursday, May 7, 2020: SA Lockdown Day 42; C&K Home at Last!

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In his daily report, NY Gov. Cuomo heralded “The Season” starting: Now, through August 12th, sunsets will be 8 p.m. or later.” Change is in the air: bulbs are bobbing, birds are chirping, trees are blooming. Speaking of trees: check out my baby apple tree! The kids gave it to us 3 years ago and see my tree/how big it’s grown/well friends…take Bobby! Really, how could I resist?)

NY: Number of new COVid-19 hospitalizations continues to fall; yesterday [only] 601, down from 659 the day before. Total hospitalizations fell to [only] 9,179 from 9,600 the day before; 232 deaths. 

With spring comes restlessness—and hope. Hope that CoVid 19 goes the way of the Spanish Flu here in the Northern Hemisphere, that with warmer weather and longer days, incidents of infection will continue to decline. “Still,” Cuomo pointed out, “As the weather gets warmer, we must continue our vigilance and practice social distancing.”

Yeah right… People are over it.

SA: 7,808 known cases of CoVid-19; 153 people are dead; 279,379 people have been tested.

Cuomo is trying hard to mix highlights with the horrors in his daily reports. To that end, each evening he singles out one positive/generous act. He calls these "Deep Breath Moments” Who knew?

“When Ireland was in need during the potato famine in 1847, the Choctaw Nation was there to help, digging deep in their pockets to send donations to the stricken country. Now, 173 years later, hundreds of Irish people are repaying the act of kindness by sending donations to help Native American tribes during the Coronavirus pandemic.” Click over to read “Irish Return an Old Favor, Helping Native Americans Battling the Virus.” I was glad I did.

Here’s something else I just discovered that has my theatre-loving toes tapping: Broadway on Utube! Yes! TodayTix (which, with Broadway being dark has renamed itself TomorrowTix is still my go-to place for info on all things theatre—everything streaming.

And best, they’ve created a guide of Theatre from Around the World including the Broadway Streaming (with is offering a month’s free trial with $8.99 after that.) If we’re lucky that will be all we need before Live Theatre Lives again! Until then, we can Watch Theatre From Around the World in Our Home!

We will cope. And we can hope. And for those of us with plenty to eat, time to type and means to keep the Internet buzzing, hopes that the optimistic outcome in Tom Foolery’s bedtime read-aloud: The Great Realization: Hindsight 2020.

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