Life in the Time of CoVid-Day 25 Lockdown Limbo: Gotta Plan-Gotta Laugh!

Monday, April 20: SA Lockdown Day 25; C&K Quarantine Day 10

ONLY 25 ?????? Who am I to complain?

I know, right? When everyone in the US has been Self-Isolating/Safety-Distancing/ LOCKDOWN for a soooooooooo much longer than that! And WHOO-HOO! The curve in many places—Italy, China, Spain…California, Washington, New York is flattening. We are winning! Right! Right?

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In SA, with 3,158 confirmed CoVid cases & 54 deaths they’re calling this Lockdown Limbo. That place of quiet between “Help! We’re gonna die!” and “Help! I’m going broke—let me out of here.”

In Jaws terms we’re in the boat with Sheriff Broady. Jaws has already killed, so we know what it can do; and its knows we’re here, stuck in the middle of the ocean with a dead motor, because it’s seen us and we’ve seen it. Duh…duh-duh… Do we wait? or Do we swim for it?

Or, if you prefer George Clooney over Roy Schneider (and who doesn’t) then we’re still out in the boat, in the middle of the ocean—during The Perfect Storm—drifting between swells.

We still have chance right?

It’s the anticipation that gets us.

It’s maddening not to be doing something

So, I get why folks are getting restless, protesting—hollering at Governors & health officials “Let me Go!”

What am I doing? Barely visible over the top of my computer screen, conveniently close to the toaster, is a slightly softened stick of salted butter and jar of mixed berry jam… just to the right of that are chocolates (already unbagged and mounded into a tidy pile) I am weighing my options. Toast or candy? Toast or candy? Toast or candy…

And I’m planning. . . No matter what we wish, when officials free us from Lockdown CoVid will not be gone. Yet. There’s no telling when or if—as with polio, small pox, measles, TB—CoVid-19 will be just another bug to vaccinate against—please!

USA: About 755,000 CoVid cases; 40,000 dead. Yesterday was the 1st day since April 2 that the death toll in NY was less than 500.

We have to be vigilant and practical, i.e. Masking and Washing.

Which is why I’m reposting this simple doable grocery-washing procedure video by Dr. Jeffery VanWigen:

And through it all . . . We need to nourish a sense of humor and wonder, so I’m sharing a bit of both.

Wonder—as in wonderful seeing penguins tootling down the streets of Simons Town, SA.

Humor—Bravo! who thinks up these pandemic jokes!

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Keep Smiling/keep shining/knowing you can always count on me….for corny songs.

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