Rambling On About Rocky Road...

Nanny, my grandmother, was always up for an evening walk. She’d grab a sweater (cause it “might get chilly”) stuff her pockets with tissue and jingle, and we’d set out. Our first stop was usually just up the street to pick up Nanny's sister, Aunt Evelyn.  Ostensibly these walks were to check out neighborhood garden, see who'd painted, put their house up for sale or sold. A corner cottage on a wedge of land was the home of an artist, so we'd make a point of walking past to see her latest painting on display in her front window. Regardless of which direction we set out or the number of twists and turns along the way, by unspoken agreement we’d stop for ice cream. Depending on whether we set out on a walk, a long walk, or a longer walk, we had a choice of three: if we needed supplies and/or popsicles tickled our taste buds, we'd make our way to the grocery at Valley Center; a long walk led to Dairy Queen for Buster or Dilly bars; a longer walk led to Freedom Center and the proper ice cream counter. Given the choice, my mother always chose Rocky Road. Where it began:  William Dreyer invented"Rocky Road" flavored ice cream in 1929. Before then most settled for chocolate, vanilla,  strawberry or other fruit flavors. Some thought Dryer was nuts: Why go mucking up creamy ice cream by adding "mix-ins'? Unheard of! Scandalous!  The Holiday Insights website (http://holidayinsights.com/moreholidays/June/rockyroadday.htm) says  Rocky Road ice cream was  a very popular treat during the Great Depression (Wonder if that poll was taken at a Bread Line...)

Rocky Road Day is always celebrated on June 2nd. We’re a little late, but hey! Since we’re Rambling by way of celebrating One Day I Went Rambling--which sometimes happens on Roads, and in my family, with Ice Cream--why not treat ourselves? Grab a sweater (don’t forget the jingle) and let’s go get us some!

If Rocky Road Ice Cream isn’t available, you can make your own.  Just add chopped nuts (pecans or walnuts are our favorite), marshmallows and chocolate chunks (broken candy bar or chocolate chips) to softened ice cream (usually chocolate, but any flavor works—it’s your road, claim it!)

Or, skip the ice cream and cook up at slab of Rocky Road Squares. Here’s how:

Rocky Road Squares Recipe

This candy is quick and easy to make. The only problem with this candy, is resisting the temptation to eat too many of them.

Yield: 2 pounds


Rocky Road Squares Ingredients:

•           11 1/2 ounces milk chocolate morsels

•           4 cups mini marshmallows

•           1 cup walnuts, coarsely chopped


How to make Rocky Road Squares:

1.         In a saucepan, slowly melt chocolate on low heat.

2.         Stir constantly to avoid scorching and burning the chocolate.

3.         Remove from heat and beat until smooth.

4.         Stir in marshmallows and walnuts.

5.         Spread mixture out in a buttered pan.

6.         Chill to harden.

7.         Remove from refrigerator and cut into squares.

This recipe was posted on the Holiday Insights website: http://holidayinsights.com/recipes/rockyroad.htm



If the Right Side's the Wrong Side What's Left?


Rambling On!