Register for the Let's Go Rambling Blog Tour!

In Celebration of the release of ONE DAY I WENT RAMBLING, Illustrator, Terri Murphy and I are sending our brand new picture book Blog-hopping--make that Blog-Rambling!

 From June 8th until June 22, ONE DAY I WENT RAMBLING will make guest appearances on our favorite blogs in the form of book reviews, interviews with the author or illustrator, or  spotlight mentions.  Anyone who participates in the blog tour, or comments on a guest blog post, comments/friends Terri or me on Facebook,  tweets about  our book with the hashtag #letsgorambling, or attends and participates in our Facebook event--One Day I Went Rambling Virtual Book Launch on June 8th will be eligible to win cool prizes.

What cool prizes you ask?  Well,  ONE DAY I WENT RAMBLING is a story about an fun-loving boy, Zane, whose wild imagination allows him to see magic in the ordinary. He has a sidekick....a chameleon, who changes color to match Zane's friend with the most creative idea in that scene (Terri's clever add-in!).

 LGR Blog-Tour Cool Prizes:

1st PRIZE- This signed original illustration of the chameleon from the book’s dedication page.

2nd PRIZE- An autographed copy of the book, and this zany color-changing Chameleon!!

3rd & 4th PRIZES..ONE DAY I WENT RAMBLING,  authographed, of course!

If you'd like to participate in the LGRBlog-Tour 2012, please fill out the registration form in the clickable link at the top of this page.  I will send you a pdf of the book, and Once again, anyone who posts a blog *3, comments on a blog *1 or posts a Facebook mention *1 (link the author's or my page to your mention) or tweets *1 (hashtag #letsgorambling), or buys the book *3(send proof of purchase to murfslawblues@gmail.com) are eligible entrants.  The numbers reflect how many times your name is in the hat. The prize drawing will take place on June 23rd. Winners will be posted and notified.

You can start by pre-tour commenting here! It'll count. Why not share a few lines from a time you went Rambling, and found something that turned out to be extraordinary....

We're ready to Celebrate! Won't You Come Blog-Rambling, too? P.S.  If you haven't yet, friend me and Terri on Facebook:





What's That You See?


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